DIM (did it myself) UPCYCLED CHAIR
i came across an old cruddy chair at a garage sale and couldn't pass it up for 3-bucks. i knew there would be some painting involved, but didn't want to paint it white (which is my answer for everything..."oh just paint it white" or "it would be cute if it was white" etc). turns out that i've been seeing quite a bit of green lately...(DELPHINE's studio redesign, several mags and blogs) and decided to paint the chair green.

note: erika (from Delphine) is having a TAG SALE at her home/studio
in rancho santa fe on on saturday 5/1. you do not wanna miss it!
it's going to be a treasure filled morning (full of fab stuff and good prices).
you can click on her blog link to read more about the super sale
{ delphine tag sale }
in rancho santa fe on on saturday 5/1. you do not wanna miss it!
it's going to be a treasure filled morning (full of fab stuff and good prices).
you can click on her blog link to read more about the super sale
{ delphine tag sale }

even after a nice coat of fresh granny smith apple green, i decided to bolt one of my super cute 'fabric-o-pauged' tins that i typically use for my custom stationery gifts (from BRODYANDMA etsy shop) to the seat of the chair. this way, when i toss random receipts in...or my husband throws a heap of mail in there...the tin container won't move around, go crooked or fall off. i also thought a couple of hooks would work well too...and suddenly i have a cute lil' catch-all for all of the stuff that collects by the back door.